Monday, February 2, 2009

Untitled LOL

It was a harsh day. The sun shows no mercy to the weak. The vast land seems dry.Not even the strongest creature able to sustain their essence because the killing zone are meant to take out souls.
The crusaders are groups of holy chevaliers who protects the innocent. But not to Reid Vapolu.His the only crusader who doest follow the covenant rules.He couldt careless about nobility nor mercy on the weak. He was out of control.
And one of their hostage is Lucrecia, the decendants of the Dream Realms .
"let me go " as she tried to fight back.One of the Crusaders was really piss off with her ."dont do anything stupid u fhilty rat" he slap directly into her right cheek.She looks so helpless. Torn old clothes, hazel eyes, pale skin, and nothing but her own strong will to survive.
One of his henchmen approach him slowly and whisper. "Master ive spotted few moving objects ahead."Then within that moment it self Reid halt their movements. He raise his right hand and stop."hmm death valley. I can smell it from here." he stood up and turn around towards Lucrecia.
" save your prayers, your lifes end soon" he smiled revealing his dreaded sharp teeth.___________________________________________________________________________________________________The vampires and werewolfs gather in the Dream Realms.And few special force hybrid..
The elder Rannok initiated a meeting among their sworn enemies.Wolfs, vampires and the maiden.
3 races with different interest.The Maiden wants Lucrecia.The vampires wants Reid VapoluThe werewolfs seeks entrance to the death valley.
Elder Rannok is in his 2010 years old. Very old, with wrinkles all over his forehead.Chipped teeth. Long narrow nose, yellow eyes and very long beard in his chin.He wore a grey clock and hoodie which cover partly of his face.His the wiser and most experience Dream Realm guardian. Upon the meeting the Maiden representativeLady Crystalize convey her message to the public with an imperialis tone." thy honour shall bring wrath thou treacherous immortal beast!" as she point finger towardsthe vampires.
The word it self enrage the creature of the dark. Their eyes turn red, and wings sprout at their backs."enough my brothers!" came along a voice within the crowd. Its no doubt, Vampire Mistress - Crimson Teressa-The second ruler of the Black castle kingdom. She her self wore a magnificient dragon scale coating.Her skin shines like marbel in the dark. Disturb by the conflict , she slighly makes her way into the center.Then she stopped letting out a deep breath as she plays with her finger. " Ohhh well.." she let out a sigh." Reid once again creates problem, what a disgrace" she continued.
Elder Rannok interfere within seconds.."look what have you done, Lady Lucrecia is in danger!" Immediately Teressa turn her direction towards Rannok. " You mean the lady who can see foresee the future?"__________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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