Monday, February 2, 2009

It was really quiet. Theres nothing but the sound of the winds.
She walks alone in the central park alone. Nobody is around and its 3am.
The moon watch her from above. As she wonders into aimlessly.

Then out of nowhere a guy approach her from behind.
He hug her waist slowly and whisper to her ears saying " dont worry your safe with me"
She stopped shutting her hazel eyes down.

Slowly the guy turn her around facing him.
He held both her hands tight . And kiss her forehead.
It was really cold, the breeze comes crashing by.

She couldt say a word..but...
she feel safe ...
and confortable when his around..

The guy him self let out a smile..
and so he grab her right hand and lead the way..
"where r we going " she ask with curiosity in her face.
"its a secret" he said.

Without her knowing..
The guy lead her to a secret passage where nobody ever been through.
"here it is..." he said.
Before her stands thousands of pink roses, magical bats and butterflies with different colours.
"am i dreaming?" she wonders.

That very moment both of them enjoy the scenary..
Averything was colourfull, and they exhange glances.
Flirt together. even crack up for some silly jokes.
They went on untill she herself fell asleep under his lap.

The next day she woke up...
And shes in different world...
Averything turn dark ...
magical bats turn into gargoyle.
butterflies turns into dead hives.
Pink Roses turns into a poison spore.

And the guy him self into a nightmarish creature
and he said
"your weak, learn to stand up with your own two feet"
She question her self " what he means by that?"
Yet it still remain a mystery.
The awnser remains close...

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