Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome to the other side of the world.
Im thinking of heading straight to the main gates, where cerberus awaits my arrival. I sworn to avenge the death of my comrades.
The bloods on my faces that drips slowly into my chest instantly drives me into a barbaric maniac.
i constantly swallowing pills and inhaling few oxygen mask just to maintain my survival.

Cerberus gates, just another tough gates to penetrate. I wanted to slay down this 3 headed beast with my trusty blade.
But ignoring the fact that this monsters are undefeatable. the side of the world called Pantera shine like supernova.
The fallen bodies around me, the corpse who once fought along me, my breathen that sacrifice them selves for the greater good
are now nothing but dead carcasses.

And im the only one left, the one who survive the brutal catastrophic mass murder. iwitness it all with my own eyes.
But now back to where i am standing, the gates howl, and the terrifying growl of the cerberus awaits me within.
It was really dangerous and breath taking action, it took me miles away just to reach here. Now its time.

Cerberus gates awaits me. I step forward with my battle stand. I was expecting someting to strike me . the gates slowly open , i
cant bear the sound.. its to loud .

"welcome to cerberus gates , how may i help you?"

And beyond the gates i caught a glimpse of person approaching towards me . I couldt recognize her nor able to
see her appearance. Black hoods covered up the entire body and combine with a pair of sandals. Then the person talk to me in a very soft tone.
"warrior, keep your self low, im lady chimaera arc" she paused for few seconds.
" how shall i grant u the gates to the other world?" she continued.

i without hesitation voice out my purphose " to kill cerberus."

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