Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Umbrella Mindy : Mindy feel that Flora must go back.

Flora de Faunaz: What do you mean go back? if i were you il seek assistant!

Umbrella Mindy: Flora...Mindy dont need anyone help.

Flora De Faunaz: Ok thats it! your such a drag! open up some magic seed and hand over it to me.

Umbrella Mindy: Mindy will only say it once, i hope Flora understand how Mindy feel.

Flora De Faunaz: understand you? were living in the same world. same situation. and stop whining!

Umbrella Mindy: umm..then what should i do?

Flora De Faunaz: I said give me the damn magic seed.

Umbrella Mindy: umm sure.

Flora De Faunaz: Blah! see we can make it simple. now turn around.

Umbrella Mindy: hmm? what are you gonna do?

Flora De Faunaz: Just do it. your starting to irritate me.

Umbrella Mindy: Okay..

Flora De Faunaz: Do as i said. Close your eyes. Open your mouth. and walk away straight.

Umbrella Mindy: Mindy cant do it, Mindy feel scared.

Flora De Faunaz: What a wuss u are, i never met someone that weak. trust me.

Umbrella Mindy: ermm, promise Mindy that Flora will not leave me?

Flora De Faunaz: argh! stop asking me alot of questions already! now move, jeezz..

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