Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yeah that day when i dump her, of god i felt so good . its over.

it ended like this..
Ok fine i admit im being an ass when i didt meet her up on THAT very day. But fuck it , i got someting else to do way important cuz i promise my friend that il be attending dinner with his family, is kinda rude for me if i dont turn up.
And she starts blaming me again, calling me all night. im to lazy to awnser her call nymore.
What the fuck? i told her i invited her for a drink in santuary and she doest wanna come.
So i told her ok fine , but next thing i know i saw her there..with her other friends to. (da fuk is wrong with her)
Then yeah as usual we drink with some few friends, sri lankan and some russian dudes.
i was like " i thought your not coming?"
and she just smiled ..
She starts blaming me for some shit. telling me how i didt treat her..
all i hear from her is nag this nag that. Woah.

Oh yeah theres some few girls i know there, why cant she just let me talk to them that just really piss me off..
And this is where the fucked up things happens..
she wants me to stick with her all night..
i told her if she trust me then let me talk to those girls..
she was like " wtf?? im your gf"
But i couldt careless anymore what she said. Its my life its up to me anyway they are my friends
is it wrong? no!
so i just left her with her friends there..
I just wanna have fun , not nagging with her.
Bought some drought beers and with some jack daniels as well! nice!

And yeah dancin , drinkin, like nobodies business.
ha ha yeah shes really having fun thou, glad to see that.
Yeah its fun really getting new people there....
but then she message my phone while i was drinking with Alvin
"we need to talk "
I turn around and she went missing..
i knew it somehow shes waiting outside the bar..
And so i went out and look for her..she was there waiting..

Ok heres the most fuked up things ever...
Shes like crying and stuff and i still dont get it why...
i didt confort her or what i just stood beside her while taking my sweet time smoking..
then i was like " are you done ? now tell me why your crying "
She asked me weather if i still love her or not..
i told her that i do..
As usual she starts blaming me for not being there for her..( she expect me to go her place AVERY FUCKING DAY) wtf? i got someting else to do to also. shes like controlling me .
but infact i still love her..but i need my own time as well..
Both of us are like abit fuking high..
Man i cant stand whining bitches seriously..
we spend like an hour talking some crap..
even from small simple things like..
"why i didt bother to wish her happy bday and stuff "..LOL ( man shes so sensitive )
Things getting tends up till it boiled my temper..
she put all the blame on me..
infact i saw her going out with another guy.
that just explain how "loyal" "sincere" and "nice" she is.
i told her that if shes not happy for what im doing then i told her to get lost..
So far i didt do anything wrong to her! oh its a fucking truth! (well theres few, but thats not a big deal nobody is perfect )
Then she said im a jerk..
im like' what da fuck?"
then she just walk away well yeah i grab her hand tried to stop her and stuff..

Then she just gave me a slap on my face!
then i just yelled at her saying that i dont give a fuck anymore and wish she dont come back..
averyone was like looking at us..
but damn i dont care.

Went back inside and yeah start drinkin and dancin..
i couldt careless about her anymore..
shes a slut anyway...
And thats the last time i saw her..

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