Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Umbrella Mindy : Mindy feel that Flora must go back.

Flora de Faunaz: What do you mean go back? if i were you il seek assistant!

Umbrella Mindy: Flora...Mindy dont need anyone help.

Flora De Faunaz: Ok thats it! your such a drag! open up some magic seed and hand over it to me.

Umbrella Mindy: Mindy will only say it once, i hope Flora understand how Mindy feel.

Flora De Faunaz: understand you? were living in the same world. same situation. and stop whining!

Umbrella Mindy: umm..then what should i do?

Flora De Faunaz: I said give me the damn magic seed.

Umbrella Mindy: umm sure.

Flora De Faunaz: Blah! see we can make it simple. now turn around.

Umbrella Mindy: hmm? what are you gonna do?

Flora De Faunaz: Just do it. your starting to irritate me.

Umbrella Mindy: Okay..

Flora De Faunaz: Do as i said. Close your eyes. Open your mouth. and walk away straight.

Umbrella Mindy: Mindy cant do it, Mindy feel scared.

Flora De Faunaz: What a wuss u are, i never met someone that weak. trust me.

Umbrella Mindy: ermm, promise Mindy that Flora will not leave me?

Flora De Faunaz: argh! stop asking me alot of questions already! now move, jeezz..

Monday, February 23, 2009

Division 1 - Wing helm
Captain: Harashi Daishou
Vice captain: himura Tenshi

Division 2 - Eagle Horn
Captain: Clark Vedusa
Vice captain: Miku sakagi

Division 3. - Dragon Flair
Captain: Amakuzi Toyori
Vice Captain: Ryu izuno

Division 4. - Mezmerize sky
Captain: Jaishin Zepari
Vice captain: Lornex Yanza

Division 5. - lion dancers
Captain : Tezi Dandara
vice captain: Yoruzo Gyujin

Division 6 -Growling wolf
Captain : Raito yukitake
Vice captain: Burashi ebi

Division 7. Spectre light
Captain: oishi fukutaru
Vice captain : aima masutado.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Beautifull Prison

ice queen rested her body upon the throne. her face resembles thousands of sadness and most of all guilt.

The ornament that lingers within her frozen heart scattered into peices . Her crown rested on her head turn into a dull , sad looking object.

The blue aquamarine eyes resembles her chapter of life. Avery story behind those smiles comes misery. She held a spear on her right hand.

A zodiac spear called the saggitarius, its the only weapon that she uses when she was still infant.But today she decided to use it again. its a granitic glass formed by the rapid cooling of lava without crystallization;,usually dark, but transparent in thin pieces.

"For what reason?"she muttered to her self. then slowly she stood up from her sit.Slowly make her first step towards the nearest balcony wall.The sound of her boots echoing through the palace. Avery single step she makes muttured a thousands sound waves.

Icecrown Citadel was an enormous fortress planted on the glacier, with thick walls, sturdy guard towers, and massive front gates. Below the surface, creatures of the ice lurks within. A winter knights were assign to guard the castle entrance for any intruders.

Not surprisingly, Icecrown Citadel is a cold, unforgiving place.

The ice queen saw the vast plain of ice. She wonder if this is the last time for her to feel the nature. Her kingdom is falling down.

and shes the only heir. Things running though her mind , what is need to be undone. Slowly she unbind the sagitarious spear causing it to transform into its original form.

the sharpened head turns into horse like figure. two hands sprout out along with 2 pair of legs.

" How may i serve you my queen."

Then she open her wretched lips " send a distress call to the future" she said. il be sealed in this prison for next century." she continued.

" then what about your kingdom?" the humanoid like horse said in a deafening tone.

Theres a second of pause. She pause for a moment in her life as she whisper to her self.

" im no longer the queen, my power finaly-" then sagitarious interupt her

"My queen! theres is no more time left for us, larva the arsonist is no longer you friend" as he let out his frustration.
" Its true , he change completely.."

Then she hand over a emblem scroll containing her names and history. On that very day she chooses a guy in the future to save her.

Sagitarious was really amuse and astonish when he read it.

" So is this the guy in the future ? brave ,smart and....." he kept on reading as he flip few more pages.

Then someting caught his attention as he raise his eye brow up. " My queen, are you sure? this guy is a spoiled-brat and rebellious"

"let it be. as for now i shall seal my self here throne for the next 1000 years."

" yes my queen then we shall meet again when the time has come"

And so they dissapear in history. waiting as time passes by.....


1000 years later

It was a very sunny day, the sun raise up shining bright and the yesterday was really tiring. Izuno
sleep peacefully on his bed. The fact is he was really tired from a football match yesterday not to mention extra classes. And that day it self he decided not to attend school the next morning. Izuno snore can be heard few meters away
from his little sister bed and it tend to annoy his little sister Aima who is trying to sleep peacefully

The sound of the alarm clock was set just on time. And as usual Aima is the first one to woke up.

She scratches her mess up hair as she rub her right eye. " oh late!.

Her unfolded her sleeves as she rush towards the bathroom.
footsteps can be heard downstairs and its getting closer towards the bedroom door.

"WAKE UP! YOU LAZY-WIZZLE!" his elder sister poke Izuno head .

Slowly he open his eyes , revealing a tan brown eyes.
"wh-what time now?"

"Your late again! now go and take a shower! the bus will be here within few more minutes!" as she pull him up from the bed.

It was his second week in schoool. Izuno make his way to the entrance looking great with text books .
As he make his way to the gates . he heard a familier voice from the back of him.

"hey meat-head, going somewhere ? heh heh heh.."

Friday, February 20, 2009

Maybe its just me
or maybe its just how it is
The music seems running in circles berserkly
just to see a thousand of choices
Counting and counting
Calming the dilemma.

maybe its just me
or maybe its jus the world.
whispers from the deepest heart starts to echo
i slowly release the chord songs
from black to white..
i sing , clap and dance
like theres no tomorrow to give
i said
i sing , clap and dance
and so let me say this..

So here we are, to many problems
took off your serenity and get lost
to me is just a rounding feelings
let me say this again..

So here we are , whats the problem?
You can scream with all u got
to me is just a rounding feelings

so here we go 1 2 3 4...
solve and get rid it out..
4 3 2 1..
is this how it ends?
or you wanted this way

you are my friend yeahh..
raise your hand and touch the sky.
No matter what
im here for you , even it ends our accord days.
You are my dream yeah..
raise your hand and touch the sky
for you are my long lost friend..

wohoo this is how it starts

averyday i stare upon the moon..
i wanted to see you, you are my shining stars?
and today i walk aimlessly..
fighting dreamer, having reckless fun and keep moving on..
i saw you in distance, how would i feel
when this storm says no
then cyclone will please the shining sky

you are my friend yeahh..
raise your hand and touch the sky.
No matter what
im here for you , even it ends our accord days.
You are my dream yeah..
raise your hand and touch the sky
for you are my long lost friend..

Thank you my friend yeah...
i dont have left any words to say
but i believe someday
this skies will shine again
you are my dream...
so let this poison ends the ending of the theme
Woahh were in distance

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Welcome to the other side of the world.
Im thinking of heading straight to the main gates, where cerberus awaits my arrival. I sworn to avenge the death of my comrades.
The bloods on my faces that drips slowly into my chest instantly drives me into a barbaric maniac.
i constantly swallowing pills and inhaling few oxygen mask just to maintain my survival.

Cerberus gates, just another tough gates to penetrate. I wanted to slay down this 3 headed beast with my trusty blade.
But ignoring the fact that this monsters are undefeatable. the side of the world called Pantera shine like supernova.
The fallen bodies around me, the corpse who once fought along me, my breathen that sacrifice them selves for the greater good
are now nothing but dead carcasses.

And im the only one left, the one who survive the brutal catastrophic mass murder. iwitness it all with my own eyes.
But now back to where i am standing, the gates howl, and the terrifying growl of the cerberus awaits me within.
It was really dangerous and breath taking action, it took me miles away just to reach here. Now its time.

Cerberus gates awaits me. I step forward with my battle stand. I was expecting someting to strike me . the gates slowly open , i
cant bear the sound.. its to loud .

"welcome to cerberus gates , how may i help you?"

And beyond the gates i caught a glimpse of person approaching towards me . I couldt recognize her nor able to
see her appearance. Black hoods covered up the entire body and combine with a pair of sandals. Then the person talk to me in a very soft tone.
"warrior, keep your self low, im lady chimaera arc" she paused for few seconds.
" how shall i grant u the gates to the other world?" she continued.

i without hesitation voice out my purphose " to kill cerberus."

Monday, February 16, 2009


Im a chivalier in livery. i bequest ,bounteous and a noble pride.
but now , it all remain thriftless
im a executor
as i summon flocks of doves perform your requiem on a prime.
i made a promise to protect your posterity
as a sign of homage.My heart is a glutton for punishment, pain, sorrow and misery
because of you im stronger

You are my only ornament.

( p.s lol i cant believe i wrote my first official poem!)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

You fell helpless to the ground trembling..
when your life is on the line..
help wast there..
and then it was a stranger who appear before you..

saved your life from danger.

You thank him and starts offering your self to him.
He carried you all the way to the nearest town...
You asked him question..
but he remain silent..

He healed you for instant.
And then instantly dissapear..
He left a note to you.

Im coming to save you just as i promise.
When monsters hunted you countless days, when your running and hiding..
but do not fear because im there to protect u. You will be un harm.
Im your word, im your sword, im your shield.

Call me anytime you want.
And i shall grant you protection .
Im a guardian angel . Dont cry infront of me,
because it hurts me more.

And dont show your down side, because it somehow reflected back to me.
You can roam freely, anywhere, you deserve your freedom.
Spread your wings and be one with the wind.
and il be from afar watch over you..
I wont touch you, you cant touch me..
im transparents ..
u cant see me..
but all u have to do is listen closely..
and feel my spiritual presence.

"Is like whole nations bow down to one single man.
Breath and inhale your anger my friend, release it one me!"

" Sorrow, hatred, numbness, sacrifice that leads me slowly off to the shore..
i step on your foot with my wretched boost"

" crimson phoenix gave birth to a young lady,
and im telling you , she is a demon from hell."

" yes , this is what i called survival of the fittest,
grab what you have, dont give in to the weak, all man by him self."

" Read the words properly, you might slip out some important verse"

" choke while your eating, because your heart tells your greedy,"

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yeah that day when i dump her, of god i felt so good . its over.

it ended like this..
Ok fine i admit im being an ass when i didt meet her up on THAT very day. But fuck it , i got someting else to do way important cuz i promise my friend that il be attending dinner with his family, is kinda rude for me if i dont turn up.
And she starts blaming me again, calling me all night. im to lazy to awnser her call nymore.
What the fuck? i told her i invited her for a drink in santuary and she doest wanna come.
So i told her ok fine , but next thing i know i saw her there..with her other friends to. (da fuk is wrong with her)
Then yeah as usual we drink with some few friends, sri lankan and some russian dudes.
i was like " i thought your not coming?"
and she just smiled ..
She starts blaming me for some shit. telling me how i didt treat her..
all i hear from her is nag this nag that. Woah.

Oh yeah theres some few girls i know there, why cant she just let me talk to them that just really piss me off..
And this is where the fucked up things happens..
she wants me to stick with her all night..
i told her if she trust me then let me talk to those girls..
she was like " wtf?? im your gf"
But i couldt careless anymore what she said. Its my life its up to me anyway they are my friends
is it wrong? no!
so i just left her with her friends there..
I just wanna have fun , not nagging with her.
Bought some drought beers and with some jack daniels as well! nice!

And yeah dancin , drinkin, like nobodies business.
ha ha yeah shes really having fun thou, glad to see that.
Yeah its fun really getting new people there....
but then she message my phone while i was drinking with Alvin
"we need to talk "
I turn around and she went missing..
i knew it somehow shes waiting outside the bar..
And so i went out and look for her..she was there waiting..

Ok heres the most fuked up things ever...
Shes like crying and stuff and i still dont get it why...
i didt confort her or what i just stood beside her while taking my sweet time smoking..
then i was like " are you done ? now tell me why your crying "
She asked me weather if i still love her or not..
i told her that i do..
As usual she starts blaming me for not being there for her..( she expect me to go her place AVERY FUCKING DAY) wtf? i got someting else to do to also. shes like controlling me .
but infact i still love her..but i need my own time as well..
Both of us are like abit fuking high..
Man i cant stand whining bitches seriously..
we spend like an hour talking some crap..
even from small simple things like..
"why i didt bother to wish her happy bday and stuff "..LOL ( man shes so sensitive )
Things getting tends up till it boiled my temper..
she put all the blame on me..
infact i saw her going out with another guy.
that just explain how "loyal" "sincere" and "nice" she is.
i told her that if shes not happy for what im doing then i told her to get lost..
So far i didt do anything wrong to her! oh its a fucking truth! (well theres few, but thats not a big deal nobody is perfect )
Then she said im a jerk..
im like' what da fuck?"
then she just walk away well yeah i grab her hand tried to stop her and stuff..

Then she just gave me a slap on my face!
then i just yelled at her saying that i dont give a fuck anymore and wish she dont come back..
averyone was like looking at us..
but damn i dont care.

Went back inside and yeah start drinkin and dancin..
i couldt careless about her anymore..
shes a slut anyway...
And thats the last time i saw her..

Friday, February 6, 2009

It was morning, the bird start humming. And from afar a very familier voice joins the vast field.
Two apprentice stood there staring at each other with enthusiasm on their faces.
The male with the grey rob taunt his opponent which is a girl.
" this time im gonna surpass you! " he said it proudly.\
He raise his Kendo stick and point it towards her direction.
The girl let out a deep sighz.
" i heard that alot of time, why cant u give up Reid?" and so she ready her defensive position.
Reid let out a battle cry and charge towards her, " yarrghhhhh!!!"
he swings aimlessly but his opponent deaftly evade it.
" nice swings! do your best !" she playfully dance with avery swings.
She seems skillfull and superior than him. The thing about Reid that he never did give up easily dispite the countless
defeat in the past. And the only thing that comes in his mind is to defeat Lenoa.
" a few more swings? arent you tired paddy-boy " she laugh hearterdly. She havent draw out her kendo stick and this
really pisses him off.
"whyy youuu.!!!" Reid seems to be under pressured.
Reid swings the kendo stick in avery angle, trying his best to hit her at least once.
" hey fix your left foot, your swings didt build up a good momentum!" as she purphosly irritate him with her most beautifull smile.
" i can do this!" as he deliver a left swing..
"im gonna win! followed with another hard swing to the right
"thats it!" she immediately draw out her kendo stick with ease.
" il show you how to strike!" Liona jump towards him and deliver a single blow to his spine.
And she watch as he falls to the ground.
Before Reid can recover , she launch another blow towards his head.
His out and lay defenceless on the ground , Liona pointed her Kendo right towards his face touching the tip of his chin.
"this time i win, again." she smiled.
Reid seems to be dissapointed by the act and as usual he starts blaming her for cheating.
" u know im sick today, its not fair!" he said.
"My dear young grasshoppers, thats enough for now.." a very old voice joins them from the back.
Both Reid and and Linoa stopped arguing. Before them stood a very old wise man. large soft body,not fat but not skinny,hairy chest and hairy legs and arms too,a bald spot on the back of the head and a zigzag hairline in the front,a few wrinkles around the eyes,light yellow teeth,some white hairs,very deep voice.
"sensei!" as both of them huggles him . The old man look upon them as his own son and daughter.
"oh well, what is it that bothers you Reid." as he unfolded his hands.
"umm..sensei..ermm.." he was struggling to awnser and so he just decided to keep quiet , " nothing,,"
The old man pat his head as he let out a slight smile on his face. "Reid one day, you will take over my place"
Then Linoa interupt " ha ha yup, if he can defeat me sensei "
" Yeah Sensei someday il be the strongest. Il protect the weak. and i promise that!" he smiled with proud.

10 years later....
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING !! STOP THIS NONSENSE!!" with her fully armor vest, dragon helm rested on her head
she unsheated her Masamune and treaten to kill Reid.
Hatred and vengeance triggers him for the past few years. And this very day he decided to change his path.
His mother died when he was still young , the lost of his parents seems haunted him.
Before Linoa is another nightmarish creature that he once look upon as her own brother.
"its time, il undone, il solve this, i got my power, sensei is no more il kill all of them" he said.
Then he continued but this time with a battle cry " Prepare im coming to kill you all!" as he fade towards the temple entrance door.
Linoa gave a chase but the flames blocked the path and thats where Reid is last seen.


to be continued


I would like to thank you
for making me stronger
Im no longer weak.
The more i fall, the better il be.

Time past away, waiting is over.
People change. And so do the world.
I was caught between this conflict.

back then..
Lost my will..
Lost my endurance
And it destroy me spiritualy.
Blinded my decision.
Blinded my sense.
I feel in rage.

Right now.
im not like the old person like last time.
I rebuild my character.
Im tired, sometimes theres a limit in averything
Il put this to an end. and this year is gonna be a new chapter, a new episode.
you bullshit me, il bullshit you. Karma. what goes around comes around
And you better bear that in mind.
Il do what my heart tells me to do
Just being my self, its better off that way.
i dont care if the outside world accept me or not..
i dont care if they like me or not..
i dont care if they hate me..
i dont care if they like me..
i dont care about averything or what they think.

Because i realize life is to precious .
Its all me, i decide who i want to be.
fuck them all.
I am who i am.
i dont follow, i lead.

I found my weakness and strength.
and thanks to a guy who raise me up..
You comes second, not first.
You can go or stay, its your life not mine.
Im glad i did the right thing.
May god forgive me.
I believe theres such thing as second chance in life.
And it starts now.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

This is how the dark cloud summons the evil twins. From the very aspect of the being, their the one of who took away the souls of the weak.

Yes the artifacts and the source of the calling came from a woman called Alexandria. Her mind corrupted by the past, when she took a glimpse of how the aeons dismantle her only lover Cornillis into the empty void.

Upon hatred and revenge , she strip out all her kindness and dignity. Sold her self to the demon within the fareplane in exchange

for immortality and power over the dark cloud hence the evil twins reborn. Alexandria once sworn her self to cast a mass destruction

towards the world of Aeons. From the very beginning it self she learn the way of the forbidden skill by having a secret pack with the

Warlord leader, Demora Suzushi. Demora met her in the farplane. This two cunning immortals combine their power and influence to form a big treat.

And so the dark sky once again instill fear among the aeons. The only thing that seems to bother her is , she couldt take away the life of the innocent except for the aeons it self. Aeons is her greatest enemy, her greatest fear, her greatest sin.

Alexandira change her personality and name . From the very day it self the demons refers her as the Adamantine. Speaking of the evil twins, thats her most dangerous assets in the killing spree lust. The first younger sister , Yasha and her elder sister Sange was created by the Aeons. Adamantine persuade them to turns againts their own race and serve her. Yasha and sange was astonish by her behaviour and questions her with curiousity. And to their sadness, Adamantine told them all about the death of their brother , Cornillis and the Aeons is behind all of this.

Demora spend about 2 years teaching her the way of the forbidden skills. Averything seems harsh and brutal.

Any sign of mercy towards the weak will result in punishments. She realize that Demora is trying to kill her emotions for his own benefit.

Realizing his motif, within the first 2 years she uses " Venus Gospel" upon Demora, is a holy technique meant to demolish a demon into bits. With Demoras death she decided to depart from the fairplane along with the evil twins.

Right upon departing, she turn around for the last time with those crimson eyes tearing through all the dead demons she demolish.

. Such powerfull aura infact alerted the whole world. For the first time of her life, she left the goddess

and make her way to the living world. The first Corporation that seems to be aware of her presence is the Marines.

Upon the mastery of "venus Gospel" and not to mention her loyal evil twins she laid a catastrophic destruction to the first

Bounto Island. Averything turn into ashes, and she sends those innocents towards the farplane. with Venus Gospel.

Not intentionly killed them but she gave them a new "life" by takin out their souls.

Alive: 1 000 000

Dead:500 000

her current location is in Cremme Cane 13.

When yourwings spread wide ..
When your eyes opens slowly..
When you raise your hands up..
When you stands with your feet..

When the moon cry over you
When the sun smile over you
When the rain showers you
When the winter freeze your heart..

The sand inside the hour glass..
The butterfly inside a cocoon..
The DNA inside the bloodstream
The words from your mouth..
The thoughts from your head
the feelings from your heart
The soul inside your flesh and bones..

The momentum of love..
The adrenaline rush
Hopes, dreams, courage,trust, loyalty,

The potion that cure
The poison that kills
Oxygens that you breath and inhale.

When and why? you step the sands and leave a mark..
footprints that will somehow reveal your hide out..
why? i ask you .

You spread your wings to fly, but did u come back as you promise? no.
And so you open your eyes slowly, are you still awaken by the nightmare
Your raise hands up , are you dillusions by the image of the past?
You stand up with your own feet, you believe in second chance?

When the moon cry over you, so cold and beautifull.
When the sun smile over you, you feel the fiery flames of anger
When the rain showers you, nobody can see your tears
And so the winter imprison your heart..

The potion that you drink, you dont know the ingredients..
You drink a poison, killing you slowly
And then comes along the sands,seagulls, beach...
Move on, il follow your trail..
Because we are chained.

Goodnight and sleep well.
Because tomorrow awaits you
Another day, another story

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

List of maps

1)Calculas De Montred.

Located somewhere in the island of the north pole. Someting fishy about this place. I heard rumors
about people turn into a stone once they set foot on the island.
Medusas control the island. Yes this legendary snake like humanoid can say " one gaze one kill " which means if u look into their eyes your doomed.
So travellers prepare for the worst if u ever thinking going to this island..prepare for some petrifying mechanism
to protect your self from being an artifact . What makes this place crazy? well honestly nobody knows.
Enter with your own risk. Advicable items such as

-anti petrifying gaze
-some medusa spears. ( scared them off)
-guts and skills

2) Youri Douri Kouri

yes yes the name it self represents triplets.
This is a small island which hard to be spotted. Located somewhere in the middle coast island. Its advicable to get a very high range
of binoculars as well. The weather here is ustabble , it can be really hot or stormy randomly. Ok whats the danger?
There is nothing there..well thats what people think. But some hardcore pirates spot a small village just located in the middle of the island.
Wonder how they can survive the weather but hey hardcore pirates the name says it all. hmm ....things need to bring is..
err... none?

3)Craze the sky

Craze the sky island is another unique island. if your looking above angle you can see as if the island display a crack in the middle thus the name. Oh forget about having treasure or unique items. This is the place for pirates to seek the legendary Ice shiva.
Ice Shva remains asleep under the cracking void. Outside the skirt of this island is a normal paddy field but once u venture inside
averything change ..oh u can ask the pirates not me :'{ Things to carry is..

-Heat tablets
-Some very-thick-outfit

4) Lamia Tiara

Wonderfull island ..well thats what those crazy ass pirates says.
Welccome to hell its located in the...umm i dont know . This island contain..nothing but anguish, ruthless and kill-anything-u-see.
Most horryfying island , not for sissys. First of all if your up for a hunt its advicable to carry on with this island.
List of monsters such as Demon bane, Crazy Mantas, Lurkers, Dragoon Lady and so much more!
Theres a INTEL tower located somewhere there. Most pirates challenge their limits by climbing such very high tower.
Of course nothing comes witthout a price. Whats on the top of the tower anyway? a treasure map of the world?
Who cares! go crazy ass pirates! Let the killing begin!! >>>.<<< things need to carry

-weapons ( of course )
-white binding spell
-go with friends
-holy scrolls.


The Magnatious A.k.A island of confuse located randomly on the world map. This is the only map who people think its alive cuz it tends
to teleport to different location avery year. On the island it self theres no landing spot for a ship. People have to swim 1km because ships are not allowed in the island. And IF they make it ( theres alot of predators beyond the shore btw ) they will face a door.
Theres a description right infront of the entrance which says

" i am ( ) . why should i let you enter to my ( ) . This island is confusing but still ( ) wants to know ( )
what you dont know "

Most pirates failed, only certain make it inside such as the Straw hat crew and buggy Crew.
Congrats to the opposing team. First of all ive never been here before. Whats beyond the door ? il have to ask the crew laterz! *smirk
Items that comes in handy is...

-Hard armor
-Gigas armlet
- mind solving puzzles!

6) Cremme Cane 13

Welcome to the island called Cremme Cane 13. Location north-east coast.
Join the terrorist and the rebellions. Welcome to the island of criminals.
Crazy as it seems not even the marine dares to enter and hunt them.
List of S-class criminals who lurks there

Vasto kroder
Crasus Venus
Leon Mark
Jade sonia
Ash vulor

we'll do a brief about those individual later on.
anywayz, yes you need some special passwords to by-pass the henchmen.
This is my first island i ever "visited" when they captured me.
Outside the island seems quiet, but inside..*shivers .
I have no comments. Items needed are..


The Caramel Popcorn!

Im loving this. Such sweet fragrance makes me wants for more!
The golden white colors seems to attract my attention.
Avery bite and avery taste went inside my mouth .
Gladly il crush them into peices.

Theres thousands of them.
Inside contains the power that enlighten my day.
My fingers dives inside , randomly pick the lucky onces.

Where can i get my self a caramel popcorn?
Im loving this. Such sweet fragrance makes me wants for more!
The taste its of course delicious.
Well i have no idea. Crips and soft they seems to reminds me of someting..
Sorry to say i couldt explain it..not even in words.

One thing for sure i do love CARAMEL POPCORN.

Monday, February 2, 2009

It was really quiet. Theres nothing but the sound of the winds.
She walks alone in the central park alone. Nobody is around and its 3am.
The moon watch her from above. As she wonders into aimlessly.

Then out of nowhere a guy approach her from behind.
He hug her waist slowly and whisper to her ears saying " dont worry your safe with me"
She stopped shutting her hazel eyes down.

Slowly the guy turn her around facing him.
He held both her hands tight . And kiss her forehead.
It was really cold, the breeze comes crashing by.

She couldt say a word..but...
she feel safe ...
and confortable when his around..

The guy him self let out a smile..
and so he grab her right hand and lead the way..
"where r we going " she ask with curiosity in her face.
"its a secret" he said.

Without her knowing..
The guy lead her to a secret passage where nobody ever been through.
"here it is..." he said.
Before her stands thousands of pink roses, magical bats and butterflies with different colours.
"am i dreaming?" she wonders.

That very moment both of them enjoy the scenary..
Averything was colourfull, and they exhange glances.
Flirt together. even crack up for some silly jokes.
They went on untill she herself fell asleep under his lap.

The next day she woke up...
And shes in different world...
Averything turn dark ...
magical bats turn into gargoyle.
butterflies turns into dead hives.
Pink Roses turns into a poison spore.

And the guy him self into a nightmarish creature
and he said
"your weak, learn to stand up with your own two feet"
She question her self " what he means by that?"
Yet it still remain a mystery.
The awnser remains close...

Yeah you tryna hide your face with a clock...
I cant see whats beyond that mask..
But for sure i followed my heart..
and my senses...

Your bad at lying..
Your good at telling the truth..
I dont look at you as an object..
but i look at you as a beautifull youth

Your eyes that twirls
as your hair curls..
The shooting star in your eyes..
Yes just by looking ..
i can read 1000 pages within you.

The shadows fade away..
The light balm shuts..
The insects left..
Theres dead silence...

Im trapped in a square box.
someting pulls me back..
I cant go out, im back to where i start..
Dont unfold the pages..
Its meaningless..
i dont read it....

10 000 knifes stabs my heart
the scream of pitch black..
keeps on attacking me...
But whats the point?
Theres a door that leads me to the exit.

What am i fighting to live, if im just living to die...
what am i trying to see, when theres nothing in sight..
what am i trying gain, when no one gives me a try...
what am i dying to live, when im living to die..

Untitled LOL

It was a harsh day. The sun shows no mercy to the weak. The vast land seems dry.Not even the strongest creature able to sustain their essence because the killing zone are meant to take out souls.
The crusaders are groups of holy chevaliers who protects the innocent. But not to Reid Vapolu.His the only crusader who doest follow the covenant rules.He couldt careless about nobility nor mercy on the weak. He was out of control.
And one of their hostage is Lucrecia, the decendants of the Dream Realms .
"let me go " as she tried to fight back.One of the Crusaders was really piss off with her ."dont do anything stupid u fhilty rat" he slap directly into her right cheek.She looks so helpless. Torn old clothes, hazel eyes, pale skin, and nothing but her own strong will to survive.
One of his henchmen approach him slowly and whisper. "Master ive spotted few moving objects ahead."Then within that moment it self Reid halt their movements. He raise his right hand and stop."hmm death valley. I can smell it from here." he stood up and turn around towards Lucrecia.
" save your prayers, your lifes end soon" he smiled revealing his dreaded sharp teeth.___________________________________________________________________________________________________The vampires and werewolfs gather in the Dream Realms.And few special force hybrid..
The elder Rannok initiated a meeting among their sworn enemies.Wolfs, vampires and the maiden.
3 races with different interest.The Maiden wants Lucrecia.The vampires wants Reid VapoluThe werewolfs seeks entrance to the death valley.
Elder Rannok is in his 2010 years old. Very old, with wrinkles all over his forehead.Chipped teeth. Long narrow nose, yellow eyes and very long beard in his chin.He wore a grey clock and hoodie which cover partly of his face.His the wiser and most experience Dream Realm guardian. Upon the meeting the Maiden representativeLady Crystalize convey her message to the public with an imperialis tone." thy honour shall bring wrath thou treacherous immortal beast!" as she point finger towardsthe vampires.
The word it self enrage the creature of the dark. Their eyes turn red, and wings sprout at their backs."enough my brothers!" came along a voice within the crowd. Its no doubt, Vampire Mistress - Crimson Teressa-The second ruler of the Black castle kingdom. She her self wore a magnificient dragon scale coating.Her skin shines like marbel in the dark. Disturb by the conflict , she slighly makes her way into the center.Then she stopped letting out a deep breath as she plays with her finger. " Ohhh well.." she let out a sigh." Reid once again creates problem, what a disgrace" she continued.
Elder Rannok interfere within seconds.."look what have you done, Lady Lucrecia is in danger!" Immediately Teressa turn her direction towards Rannok. " You mean the lady who can see foresee the future?"__________________________________________________________________________________________________________