Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Daily News Part I -Super being?

UAV was discovered. But the origin is unknown.

Its a small particles of life that projects
psycological warfare to a parcticular subject resulting in trauma,seizures and illusions.
Science and technologies through out this year has evolve gradually in menacing pace to improve
the life style and the benefit of mankind.
But this phenomena that attract the whole mankind. Could it be UAV is a drug for some sort?
I was one of the subject listed infact im the first victim of UAV.
Some doctors misconduct the experiment. Believing it was a drug not knowing why , where and how
this so called UAV exist.
Theres alot of research facility held on several region scattering across the nation.
Base on my own personal view, they made a fatal mistake .
why? because according to Doctor Lio UAV is a essence of life that seek soul from living being.
And in order to survive UAV apply the following negative aspect such as
greed , hate and vengeance.
But to be exact and accurate there are counter parts for UAV as well.
And thats where they founded the SAS.
The SAS ( Saturated Advance Senses) which is similar to anti-depression pills
capable of curing any signs of mental-ilness.

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