Wednesday, December 31, 2008


For this past few days, ive been searching the truth of me.
I walked around the alleyway..
with a pack of ciggarets under my pocket.
Im clueless with no directions im heading..
And so i stopped by a stranger .
She look at me with a frown on her face..
Yes i admit , this pure innocent person just pull my hair..
i turn around ..
and back away as i let her finish me off..

Yet she could't..
"tell me , is this how u end my life?"
that moment she let go of her grip..
and question me on someting that which is hard to forget..

And without doubt
her present just reminds me of..
the day i my self lost in the blue sea.
"i failed.."
i repeat the words ..
And the words it self is enough
to soften her heart..

What is kindness without love?
but all i have left is hated..
and the guilt , which is strong..
enough to hear my heart..
inhale and breathing ..

The pouring rain..
let go a cry, as if awnsering my prayer..
what is it? this weird feeling im having right now
" il let u have what u wanted"
" for im pationate and mercifull"
is she the rain? is she an illusion?

She fade into black..
I fell for the moment..
just to see the truth..
of songs of pain that wants me..

Saturday, December 20, 2008

To all girls out there, heres some Valentine letter for you ^^

LOL THIS MIGHT BE OFFENSIVE! (btw its not me who wrote this ok! -.-)

My darling, my lover, my beautiful wife: Marrying you screwed up my life.

I see your face when I am dreaming. That's why I always wake up screaming.

Kind, intelligent, loving and hot; This describes everything you are not

. Love may be beautiful, love may be bliss, But I only slept with you 'cause I was pissed.

I thought that I could love no other -- that is until I met your brother.

Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you.. But the roses are wilting, the violets are dead, the sugar bowl's empty and so is your head.

I want to feel your sweet embrace; But don't take that paper bag off your face.

I love your smile, your face, and your eyes -- Damn, I'm good at telling lies!

My love, you take my breath away. What have you stepped in to smell this way? My feelings for you no words can tell, Except for maybe "Go to hell."

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Daily News Part II - UAV reports.

Doctor Lio Zaka. Head of the Science Astrologist Comp 1

Proffesor Anna Crof. Head of Psycologist admantem express.

Doctor Duran Eznar. Assistant termonology biological spree.

Syazel apollo . Chief head supervisor.


The statistic and geomatrical report has been conducted during the meeting.

A simple report has been handed to Doctor Lio Zaka.

The percentage of victims suffers from insomnia seems to reduce from 80% to 54%.

Doctor Duran from amcorp 2 made a speech to convey the message to the public.

According to the report it has been stated that..

UAV victim does not suffer from the following symptoms such as aggresion,insomnia

or the changes of personality nor applying greed,hate or vengeance.


Daily News Part I -Super being?

UAV was discovered. But the origin is unknown.

Its a small particles of life that projects
psycological warfare to a parcticular subject resulting in trauma,seizures and illusions.
Science and technologies through out this year has evolve gradually in menacing pace to improve
the life style and the benefit of mankind.
But this phenomena that attract the whole mankind. Could it be UAV is a drug for some sort?
I was one of the subject listed infact im the first victim of UAV.
Some doctors misconduct the experiment. Believing it was a drug not knowing why , where and how
this so called UAV exist.
Theres alot of research facility held on several region scattering across the nation.
Base on my own personal view, they made a fatal mistake .
why? because according to Doctor Lio UAV is a essence of life that seek soul from living being.
And in order to survive UAV apply the following negative aspect such as
greed , hate and vengeance.
But to be exact and accurate there are counter parts for UAV as well.
And thats where they founded the SAS.
The SAS ( Saturated Advance Senses) which is similar to anti-depression pills
capable of curing any signs of mental-ilness.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Flowers wont bloom during winter

It was my first day when i catch a glimpse of a flower
I pull the petal one by one with a smile on my face.
So colourfull with different sizes and shapes.

I look upon the indigo skies
as my hazel eyes explores within the small narrow area
hoping to see her rare beautifull smiles.

And there i found someting.
A red crimson rose that looks dull, fragile,pale and sad.
It seems like its alone, while the rest has finaly meet their fate.
They couldt make it alive for the snow kills.

It was my first day when i catch a glimpse of a flower
I pull the petal one by one with a smile on my face.
So colourfull with different sizes and shapes.

Good morning i said to my self.
The clock still went on ticking as usual.
The window upon wide and the sun welcome my arrival.
Another day for me..
My heart went stronger
filled with excitement and joy
and avery single pain went into dust

I Promise the next time i saw a flower
il bring it home..
and take good care of it.
For flowers are the essence of life..
the beauty where we all should praise and enjoy..

From now onwards
il take care of you.